Thursday, March 15, 2012

I'm back!!!!

So it's been a couple of years....and even though it's supposed to be shameful I am now back. And there's no shame in renewing a commitment right?
This time around I have been exercising for about two months straight. I FEEL GREAT. I have also had a baby 3 months ago and a natural birth totally changed my view about my body. I had a natural birth before, but this last time was even more life altering. I have a renewed respect for my body and what it can do and how strong it is. I love myself and I know I can do anything.
Even though I am still fat my body already feels so much stronger.

I have been having a hard time controlling my nutrition. Intake of sweets has been a pain. I'm an emotional eater. So I have lost about 2 pounds only.
I have been working on my mind this past two months and coming to the mind state that I need to make healthier choices. I already eat well, enjoy salads and veggies ( I always enjoyed those) etc. But as I said before I overdo on carbs. (isn't that everyone's problem as well?)

Now I am ready. Really ready. Today I an joining weight watchers. It's a big commitment because I hate counting points and calories. But if I want to be healthy something's has got to give right??? I will be listening to my body now and really trying to slow down.
I am making a commitment to think twice and to become a healthier person this year of 2012.

I also have a goal. I will be running a 10K in august AND the "Sao Silvestre" December 31st in the city of Sao Paulo. I am SO excited!!!!

This will be a diary of my struggles and thoughts throughout my process of losing weight.


1 comment:

  1. Babi!! Q bom! Fico feliz por vc! Eu preciso me comprometer + a exercitar tb! Ate q eu tenho ido na academia, mas sozinha....da um desanimo! Mas eu quero ficar gravida, entao eu preciso emagrecer, se nao vou virar uma bola!!

    Minha sogra tb fez WW, ela emagreceu + de 60 pounds!! E ela comia bastante, pq frutas e a maioria das verduras eh 0 points.

    Escreve sempre aki q eu vou te acompanhar! E espero q tu conquiste todos os teus goals!

    Parabens pela Julie!

    bjs Bianca
